Welcome to Harry Au Therapy. I started this blog with the vision to raise mental health awareness for communities of socially conscious people. Whether you’re a caregiver, activist, or community builder, this blog is written with you in mind.
Since you have taken the time to visit here, I want to share with you a bit about myself. There is also more information in the About section. My name is Harry Au, a social worker and therapist. I am a practitioner in what I call "activism as a lifestyle." What that means is that I try my best to live every moment guided by my values and beliefs. And part of that is starting this blog to share knowledge around mental health, wellness, and recovery. The following are some topics my blogs will discuss:
1. Anxiety and stress
2. Trauma
3. Self-worth and self-confidence
4. Masculinity and men's issues
5. Self-care
6. Family conflict and childhood witness of domestic violence
7. Mental health of socially conscious individuals
8. Coping strategies for mental health challenges
Being socially conscious is beautiful, and challenging. I have found that this work has given me all the words to understand inequities in our world. But it doesn't give us the language to understand the emotions that come with this work. It also did not provide strategies to work through and process personal struggles of mental health and trauma. Therefore, the goals for my blogs will reflect that:
1. To share insights on mental health struggles
2. To provide strategies for identifying and working through mental health challenges
3. To share my expertise, and how I can help you as your therapist
We all started our journey of being socially conscious for different reasons. And we can all benefit from building better, healthier mental health and wellness. I will be updating the blog biweekly. I look forward to your visits.
I’m always open to your feedback and comments. If you, or someone you know, may benefit from my therapy support, you can contact me here for a free consultation. For more information, click here.
Harry Au
Therapy for Asians
MSW, RSW | he/him
Resources: Newsletter | Blog